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Williams International Real Estate
Williams International Real EstateAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
3 sale
0 Rent
Deal type
19.3M AED
sale, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
The Springs
Springs 14
Sale06 May 2024Villa

3 Beds

Meadows 9
Sale22 Apr 2024Villa

4 Beds

Meadows 2
Sale05 Feb 2024Villa

5 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Sales Consultant
Experience since:2017

About me

Originally from Surrey, Paul moved to Dubai in 2018 with his brother. Starting out his career as a carpenter fitting bespoke furniture in high end properties across surrey, England, Then moving on to project managing the fitting team. After visiting family over the years who live in Dubai and with his enjoyment of working in high end multimillion pound properties it was a natural progression to follow his passion. Paul enjoys the challenge of finding the best properties for his clients while being able to offer advice on refurbishments and upgrades from his experience. Understanding his client’s need and has the first hand experience in finding homes for his clients.Paul focuses on sales within The Emirates Living villa communities and is a specialist within the area you can contact him for all your Emirates Living property requirements.

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