Thomas Pashby usually responds within 15 minutes


Williams International Real Estate
Williams International Real EstateAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
9 sale
0 Rent
Deal type
34.6M AED
sale, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
The Springs
Springs 15
Sale05 Apr 2024Villa

3 Beds

The Springs
Springs 14
Sale07 Mar 2024Villa

3 Beds

The Springs
Springs 7
Sale07 Mar 2024Villa

3 Beds

The Springs
Springs 14
Sale07 Mar 2024Villa

3 Beds

The Springs
Springs 7
Sale01 Feb 2024Villa

3 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Senior Sales Consultant
Experience since:2014

About me

I have specialised in The Springs since July 2014, selling upwards of 200 villas to date. I provide a professional, knowledgeable and friendly service to both buyers and sellers in a market where there are thousands of new agents that don't offer close to the same level of service or have any particular area of expertise. I'm always available to take a call and happy to discuss The Springs or any part of the buying and selling process.

My properties

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