Residential Insights

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Western Residence South

Nearest points of interest

GEMS Winchester School
2.3 km
Lycee Libanis Francophone Prive Meydan
3.4 km
Kent College Dubai
3.5 km
Dunecrest American School
3.8 km
Gems FirstPoint School
4.1 km
Ace Medical Centres
5.1 km
Oasi Rejuve Laser Cosmetic Center
5.9 km
A T F Learning Difficulties Center
5.9 km
Zee Dent Polyclinic
6 km
Home Hemodialysis
6.9 km
Mohammed Bin Alshiekh Mejren Bin Sultan Mosque
6.2 km
Suwaida Mosque (137)
8 km
Ali Ibn Abi Talib Mosque
9.5 km
Suhail Bin Jumaa Masjid
9.6 km
Suhail Bin Juma Mosque (326)
9.6 km

Average prices

Average price of properties rented in Western Residence South in the last 12 months
TypeAvg. Price (AED/ year)
2 Bedrooms141,000
3 Bedrooms236,000
4 Bedrooms246,000
5 Bedrooms524,000

The data displayed is based on Property Finder’s last 12 months listing data.

Nearby prices

Average price of a 2 bedrooms villa nearest to Western Residence South
Al ReemAmarantaAl Reem 3Al Reem 1WesternResidenceSouth80K100K120K140K160K180K200K220K

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of 2 bedrooms villa rented in the last 3 months.

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