Manish Mathew usually responds within 15 minutes


Royal Choice Real Estate LLC
Royal Choice Real Estate LLCAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
1 sale
0 Rent
Deal type
1.1M AED
sale, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Damac Hills 2
Sale22 May 2024Townhouse

3 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Sr. Property Specialist
Experience since:2021

About me

Having been mentored and inspired by top figures in the sales industry, Manish has swiftly ascended in his career, driven by his passion, commitment, and ambition to forge a thriving path in real estate. He boasts comprehensive expertise, having adeptly navigated various facets of the industry, representing sellers, buyers, investors, institutions, and banks. Manish, with his extensive background in adapting to evolving market dynamics, consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership and adeptly manages change within his teams. Renowned for safeguarding, guiding, and leading his realtor's crew, Manish's leadership, negotiation prowess, innovative project strategies, and unwavering integrity stand as defining attributes of his character.

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