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Betterhomes - Business Bay
Betterhomes - Business BayAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
0 sale
1 Rent
Deal type
110K AED
Rent, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Business Bay
The Pad
Rent14 May 2024Apartment

1 Bed

Personal information

Specialization:Leasing Consultant
Experience since:2013

Areas of activity

  • Image for Mostly apartments in Business Bay
    Business Bay
    4/5237 building reviews

About me

Vimbai’s passion in relationship building and providing her clients with a tailored real estate experience is unparalleled. She is dedicated to building trust through transparency and effective communication. Originally from Harare, Zimbabwe and based in Dubai for the past 8 years, Vimbai brings to real estate a wealth of experience from project management and client engagement. As a PMI certified project manager, she has led and collaborated on projects with different stakeholders from the UAE, Spain, Maldives & Zimbabwe for more than a decade. Vimbai’s diverse background and extensive knowledge on different industries, enables her to bring a unique, refreshing approach to property consultancy, through her genuine desire to understand her clients needs and tailor custom solutions.

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