HomeBuilding reviews
La Fontana reviews
1.3 /5

La Fontana

Score breakdown

How do residents score La Fontana in the following categories?
Staff / Security
Gym / pool
Children friendly
Traffic near property
Guest parking

Resident reviews

1.6 /5
Crowded Building and All the time Construction
My experience is very bad with this building All the time noise Mostly tenants they make noise and building cant do anything
1 /5
Awful experience
Awful experience in this building HOAM management who take care of building is doing very poor job: 1. Sharing is alowed, not a family building at all 2. Pool area very dirty and dangerous as the tails on floor are falling apart. 3. On pool theh alowed all kind of bad things, people Swimming in dirty - home clothes, even some of them brought dogs, food drinks. 4. Security is very rude and unprofessional and not helpful at all. 5. Security and cleaners sleeping in kids play area. 6. No parking for guests 7. Gym is falling apart 8. Charging for ecer single thing for maintenance, even dough owner of flat is paying service charges 20k per year. 9 not kid and family friendly building

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