HomeBuilding reviews
Vista Tower reviews
3.6 /5

Vista Tower

Score breakdown

How do residents score Vista Tower in the following categories?
Staff / Security
Gym / pool
Children friendly
Traffic near property
Guest parking

Resident reviews

3.6 /5
Amazing place to live
I live in Vista Tower. There are more pros than cons. But due to a construction that's going on right next door, the noise levels are bad. And the area is Barsha Heights, so traffic is a bit of a concern. But overall, the amenities, maintenance, responsiveness to problems are top notch.
3.7 /5
It's an amazing building to live in.
While they don't have guest parking, or the area is a bit noisier than I'd like; it's still been a fantastic building to live in. The standard 1BHK is much larger than anywhere else you'd find. The only big con is that the balcony could be a very big risk factor if you have tiny children. Thats because the railings are horizontal and it's easy for kids to just climb up which could be beyond scary.

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