House prices

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Abu Dhabi
Windsor Manor
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House Prices in Windsor Manor

Property type
Number of beds
Completion status

Last 3 months

Average asking sales price
Average asking price is calculated based on listings advertised on Property Finder
1,360,000 AED
Starting from 1,300,000 AED
Average transaction sales price
Average transaction sales price is calculated based on government transaction data
1,375,000 AED
Starting from 1,375,000 AED
Average rental price
Average rental price is calculated based on listings advertised on Property Finder
95,999.50 AED
Starting from 89,999 AED
Average gross yield
This is the gross rental yield, which is the average annual rental price divided by average sale asking price for the property type in this area.

House Prices over time in Windsor Manor

Price in AED
 Asking price
Average asking price is calculated based on listings advertised on Property Finder
 Transaction price
Average transaction sales price is calculated based on government transaction data
Sales price
Sales price per sqft
Annual rent price

Dubai Property Price Trends