Bright Ideas to Slash Your DEWA Bill

As temperatures begin to peak, so will your electricity and water bills. By looking for signs that you may be using more energy than you really need, you’ll be saving money in no time.

All information about DEWA can be found on propertyfinder.

Hunt down power guzzlers and fight back mounting DEWA bills with these easy tips.

Program the Thermostat

Programmable thermostats allow the temperature to automatically rise during the day when no one is home, saving you 1000’s on your bill annually. Also, close the shades and doors of rooms not in use to make it easier for your air conditioner to maintain cooler temperatures.

Switch to Compact Fluorescent Lighting
Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. These lights generate less heat, consume less power, are more efficient and in turn result in significant energy savings for you. Better still, turn off lights when you aren’t using them as they produce heat and make your air conditioning system work harder, costing you more money.

Kill Energy Vampires
Your TV, DVD player, stereo and computer consume power even when they’re turned off.  So, unplug them or plug them on to a power strip and then turn off the strip. If you’re going to be away from the computer for an hour, turn it off as the power you will save in that hour is equivalent to the energy required to power one 14-watt compact fluorescent lamp for 24 hours.

Wash Full Loads

Front loading washing machines use 60% less water and energy than top loaders. Use cold water and only wash full loads; you’ll use the same amount of water whether you run a full load or a partial load. And what’s better, you’ll save water and wear and tear on your machine.

Air-dry Clothing
Tumble dryers are power hungry, so take advantage of Dubai’s sunny skies and dry your laundry on a clothesline. Your threads will last longer, you’ll use less power and the money saved will mean that a take-away coffee or two will cost you nothing.

Use Solar Lights for the Outdoors

Solar lights absorb the sun’s energy during the day and run for free at night. ACE Hardware offers a beautiful range of options ranging from path and step lighting to patio, driveway and pond lighting.

Clean Your Refrigerator. Close the Door.

Your refrigerator uses more electricity than all your other kitchen appliances combined. To keep power costs low, set the temperature in your refrigerator to 36-38 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer to 0-5 degrees Fahrenheit and brush and vacuum the coils at the bottom and back. Dirt accumulating on coils will make it harder to cool food. Save electricity by also keeping the door closed as much as possible.

Cook with the Lid on

Your food will cook more quickly and use less power. Also, turn off the stove/oven a few minutes before your food is done and let the built-up heat finish the job for you.

Identify Water Guzzlers

Faucet aerators and low-flow shower heads conserve water and reduce your water bills. A five-minute shower using a low-flow showerhead will help you use 12 gallons of water or less. Compare that to 37 gallons for a 15-minute shower. Also, running warm water from the sink for five minutes uses the same amount of energy as a 100-watt incandescent bulb that has been turned on for 14 hours.

Fix Running, Leaky Toilets
A leaky toilet wastes about 500 gallons of water each day and is a drain on your wallet.

Water Plants Wisely
Group plants with the same watering needs together to avoid overwatering some and under watering others. Also, water your lawn in the evening when temperatures are a bit cooler to minimize evaporation.

Check Water Levels in Your Pool
Mark the water level at the skimmer and check back for leaks. Also, backwash your pool’s filter every two weeks to reduce pump backpressure and energy consumption.

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