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Whitewill Abu Dhabi
Whitewill Abu DhabiAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
1 sale
0 Rent
Deal type
2.8M AED
sale, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Yas Island
Noya 2
Sale19 Mar 2024Townhouse

3 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Senior Real Estate Expert
Experience since:2013

About me

Ahmad is one of Abu Dhabi's & Dubai's most trusted broker, counting among his clients numerous distinguished business and community leaders. Ahmad works with individuals, investors, and developers interested in the city’s most coveted properties with a particular focus on the Reem Island , Saddiyat Island, Yas Island in Abu Dhabi and Meydan, Dubai Downtown, JVC, Bluewaters Island, Mina Rashid in Dubai. A high-touch broker known for his extensive market knowledge and his unmatched devotion to clients, Ahmad's success is based almost exclusively on positive referrals. He earns respect of his clients by working tirelessly on their behalf and by always offering them candid advice. Ahmad also utilizes the latest technologies and is supported by a full-time sales assistant. Ahmad is deeply connected to Syria. He graduated in 2010 with a finance degree from institute commercial Bankers and has lived in Germany, South Korea and Japan.

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