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Black Brick
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Specialization:Property Advisor
Experience since:2022

About me

Born and raised in Ireland, Michelle is empathic, honest and incredibly hard working. All the qualities you need for an excellent property advisor by side when making life changing decisions, such as buying your first home. Michelle has a BA in Marketing and has worked as a high flier in the world of advertising and then after becoming a mother, she went on to build a very successful fitness business for mums, called Rebalance, which was all about helping women find that balance both mentally and physically. Michelle is now a lifestyle property advisor at BlackBrick, so those strong values of finding balance is transcribed to her approach to seeking families the perfect family home. Although, having been raised by a family of property developers and investors, she also knows when she sees a good investment. Michelle is customer focused, honest , hard working and always wants the best for her clients, so you are lucky to have her as your agent.

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