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Haus 51 Real Estate Brokerage
Haus 51 Real Estate BrokerageAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
0 sale
1 Rent
Deal type
120K AED
Rent, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Park Tower A
Rent25 Apr 2024Apartment

1 Bed


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Property Manager
Experience since:2020

About me

Nataliia has a strong passion for helping clients find their perfect property, she is exceeding client expectations and offers an outstanding service to her clients. She has a strong background in sales and customer service. Over the years, she have successfully negotiated countless deals ensuring favorable terms and outcomes. Her ability to navigate complex negotiations with confidence and professionalism sets her apart in the industry.

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