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Housess Global Real Estate
Housess Global Real EstateAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
1 sale
0 Rent
Deal type
2.3M AED
sale, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Dubai Land
La Violeta 1
Sale16 Oct 2023Townhouse

4 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Sales & Leasing Consultant
Experience since:2022

About me

As an active professional member of the Dubai real Estate market, I've seen the ups & downs in the market and gained the experience to achieve success in all aspects of the market. My approach to life and business are the same. Honesty and integrity are the most important factors which allow me to build relationships built on trust and honesty. This gives my investors regardless of buying or selling the ability to move forward with confidence. My advice is free, honest and realistic and based on real market research, not aimed at telling the investor what they want to hear. My extensive network gives me access to a very wide range of buyers and sellers, as my investor base has built steadily over the years. Couple this with a large group of trusted brokers within the market and an active marketing formula including print and web based advertising the correct market exposure is achieved every time.

My properties

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