Improve your pricing strategy with Price Finder

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Picture this: You have a meeting with a client to discuss how to price their property.


Where do you go to find out what price similar properties are advertised at?

And how can you compare listed prices to that of similar sold properties?

What data can you come up with to provide a clear snapshot of the market’s price trends as of right now?

What data gives you instant credibility?


With Price Finder, you will finally have your answers for free – a first in the region!

With Price Finder, you can:

Search for price trends at any level: community, building or even for a specific property type like one-bed apartment in Princess Tower.
Compare asking prices with transaction prices in any location, sourced from complete government databases, and see how prices are changing over time.
View details of specific listings and transactions to compare with the listing they have advertised.



Price Finder takes the subjectiveness out of the process. When an agent is working with a buyer, seller, renter or landlord the truth is in the actual transactional data. This gives the agent leverage from the very beginning, as well as credibility with their client which saves the agent and client an immense amount of time to complete a transaction.

Says Lynnette Abad, Head of Data & Research at Propertyfinder Group.


Price Finder is a game-changer. Make it your new best habit and be prepared for every meeting.

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