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Alarfeen Real Estate
Alarfeen Real EstateAbout Company

Track Record

Transactions submitted by agent to Property Finder.Last 12 months
Closed Deals
0 sale
1 Rent
Deal type
130K AED
Rent, Total Deals Value
LocationDeal typeDateProperty typeBedrooms
Jumeirah Village Circle
Rent04 Jun 2024Apartment

3 Beds


  • Agent award 0

Personal information

Specialization:Real Esate Agent
Experience since:2022

About me

With years of experience in the real estate market, I have established myself as a dedicated and responsive real estate agent. My commitment to responding promptly to client inquiries and needs sets me apart in providing excellent customer service. I leverage my market knowledge to help clients find their perfect homes and investment properties. Let me guide you through your real estate journey with professionalism and efficiency.

My properties

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